Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ever wondered what is a blog? A blog is a boring thing people do that tells them about their lives(but some okay lah).. - - so today im going to screw that and do a mantal reading breathing exercise . Aites . First picture yourself in a soaky wet muddy disgusting chair that is very sticky and gooiy and eeeeeee . k . now inhale , exhale ... doesnt that feel nice ? but dont forget imaganing the disgusting chair xD ... now when you read this blog, think of the person you like and imagine sitting with in a disgusting sofa instead =D ... lol then repeat the same inhale exhale blah blah again, then u done ... if u havent realize , i just took 3minute of your time in wasteless shit .... ahahhaha bye xD

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ball try in?

Today, hmmm had a bball who got talent shit...well a few of us made in and some of us din't . Form 4 obviously got lar - - , super geng people ... i tried and i dont think im that good but arif today was good in defense , ian arrr? hmmm , good also =D but i hope i'll be in the team next year . HOPE is a strong word by the way - - ..owh yeah strong support by the way .. thanks ^^

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Biggy Step

Ello ,

i'm ejay, and i just got a blog spot..technically i dont know how to write, but i have a fren helping me so yeah...thats cool...her name is Farah :D...dunnno lah...alright today , ermmm ... this is stupid - - ...ok i woke up and i saw my ceiling ;D....i know...its deep :D...ermmm wad else...i owe some1 a crap alot of money...shittt (just an expression) uhhhhh okay new here...dont bad bad lan ci comment please, after i cry T-T . Joking ahaahahhah owh well , im done .... go eat lah =)